A City of Heroes fan comic & fictional work

2.17 - Finally Seeing Eye To Eye

10th Feb 2022, 10:58 AM in Chapter 2: Toxic Relationships
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2.17 - Finally Seeing Eye To Eye

Author Notes:

Goopskull (@Nayreia) 10th Feb 2022, 10:58 AM
Goopskull (@Nayreia)
Been awhile, huh?

Hope everyone's been doing well! Still fighting the good fights in the Rogue Isles/Paragon City!

A lot has happened since the last comic page, wowza! For those playing on Homecoming: City of Heroes, my content creation, the Dr. Aeon Strike Force went live!
It was a labor of love and I hope those who played it found some enjoyment in it. If you're interested in my own commentary on the process, I posted a Dev Diary about it a few weeks ago here:
Dev Diary - Dr. Aeon Strike Force: Mission Science, Concept to Content!

While I had some time over the holidays to work on this comic page, I still can't commit to a regular release schedule with my other pending projects, but I do want to update the comic as time permits! We'll see how things develop.

Thanks for being readers and see you all in the City!


Poison - Rogue - Pink-Lightning

(Poison flicks her acid blood onto Valtrosi's the right side of Valtrosi's face)
Valtrosi: "GRARGH!"
(Valtrosi flails about and claws at his right eye.)
Valtrosi: "GRRAHAHA!"
(Poison looks at Valtrosi with apathy.)
(Valtrosi's mask burns away revealing grotesque skin and a cybernetic eye. Machinery flickering behind it.)
Valtrosi (laughing): "Excellent. Truly, excellent."
Goopskull (@Nayreia) 24th May 2023, 5:06 PM
Goopskull (@Nayreia)
If anybody is interested in what I'm up to these days, I'm working on creating a brand-new, all-original RPG!

If you're a fan of Earthbound, Mother 3, or Undertale, this might be a project worth checking out!
